
OutdoorFest aims to create a community of New York's urban-based outdoor enthusiasts.

Join our new Mappy Hour PRO Club.

Events: 11/29 - 12/1

Events: 11/29 - 12/1


All weekend: Brooklyn: The McCarren Ice Rink is back open for another month. Details here: http://mccarrenrink.com/

  • November 29th: Manhattan: Shored Up, movie and Q+A with the Director, 5PM & 7PM Cinema Village http://shoredupmovie.com/the-film. You can check out yesterday's NYTimes review here
  • November 30th: Bronx: Birding at Van Cortlandt with the Urban Rangers, 8:00AM, Van Cortlandt Nature Center, call 718-548-0912 for info.
Events: 12/3 - 9

Events: 12/3 - 9

Events: 11/20-25

Events: 11/20-25