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5th Day in Rockaway: How to navigate non-outdoorsy friends

It's something that all of us probably have faced in NYC: friends who aren't as crazy about the outdoors as we are. We love them just as much but find it hard to commit weekend time to our friendship because we're busy chasing our own adventures. Is there a way to balance spending time with all of your friends while not getting stir crazy from sitting at brunch for too long?

The answer for me this past holiday weekend was Beach 90th on (of course) Rockaway Beach. Everyone loves to hang out on the beach whether or not their "outdoorsy." So especially during a "Staycation" type weekend in the city hanging out on the beach was an easy sell. Lucky for us, in NYC, there are surf beaches feet away from swimming beaches. That means it's easy to hop into the water on a board for a bit and then come back out and spend quality beach blanket time with your friends. They were napping while you were surfing anyway and you don't have to sit still for too long without some time playing outside. 

Local Surf Beaches (#1 & #5 are the NYC ones):

From NY Magazine Urban Surfing Guide 2011