
OutdoorFest aims to create a community of New York's urban-based outdoor enthusiasts.

Join our new Mappy Hour PRO Club.

Events 3/19 - 23

Events 3/19 - 23

Here's our curated list of the best events in #OutdoorNYC:

Indiegogo Party

Tuesday, 3/18, 7:00PM
Pine Tree Lodge

Another OutdoorFest gathering with awesome people, this time to celebrate our Indiegogo launch! 


Nutrition for Endurance Athletes

Tuesday, 3/18, 7:00PM
Jack Rabbit UES

A nutrition clinic on how to stay fueled for longer distance.


Downtown Bike Ride

Thursday, 3/20, 7:30PM
Social Cycling NYC (LES) 

The weather's warming up - hit the streets for an evening ride. 


Film: Water Blues, Green Solutions

Thursday, 3/20, 6:00PM
NYC Park's Arsenal

Documentary highlighting the cleanup of the Bronx River.


Wilderness First Aid

Saturday - Sunday, 3/22-23
REI Soho

A two day class to get your WFA certification.



Sunday, 3/23, 1:00PM
Staten Island

Learn orienteering basics - for free! 


A Night at the Pine Tree Lodge

A Night at the Pine Tree Lodge

The Why

The Why